SEO Tualatin Oregon

Search Engine Optimization – SEO Tualatin Oregon

SEO Stands for Search Engine Optimization

SEO Tualatin Oregon is an on-going process of determining who and where your “target” audience is and then optimizing your website to rank well (be found) for that target market.

Search Engine Optimization – SEO Tualatin Oregon Will Increase Traffic to Your Website!

We use only ethical and proven methods of optimization to help you increase your search engine ranking and bring more visitors to your website.

When you go to Google, and you type in “plumber’ or “roofer”, the results that appear after the Google ads are the “organic” results.

Organic Search Results are what people most often click on when looking at a Google Search Results page. Organic Search Results refers to the way a website “organically” or “naturally” appears in a search result.

Studies show that when people search in Google they will overwhelmingly choose natural organic results over paid ads.

Would you Rather CHASE after Customers
Have READY TO BUY Customers come to you?

As a business you can spend a lot of time, effort and money trying to chase new customers and create interest in your product or service.

Businesses Searching for CUTOMERS

Searching for Customers


You can be in the right place at the right time when people who are already interested in your product or service are READY TO BUY.

CUSTOMERS Searching for Businesses

Customers Searching for your Business

Your Customers are Here!

Start with the proper FOUNDATION – Website Design & SEO Tualatin Oregon

Digital Marketing - SEO Tualatin Oregon

Search Engine Optimization or SEO Tualatin Oregon is one part of the broad scope of Digital Marketing Services we provide.

The FOUNDATION of all Digital Marketing Starts with:

Website Design & SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

As a business before you do any other channels of digital marketing you should start with a professional custom business website that both looks amazing and is fully SEO optimized to establish a dominant online presence.

We Combine state-of-the-art Website Design Tualatin Oregon, Web Development and Website Maintenance,

with Search Engine Optimization – SEO Tualatin Oregon in a package.

Website Design
Tualatin Oregon

Web Design Tualatin Oregon
  • Low Website Design or Re-design Fees

    Our website design or re-design fees for clients who are on our monthly SEO/Maintenance program are about half of what you would pay with other web designers.

  • Keep it Fresh – New Every Two

    We provide on-going maintenance and management to keep your site running smoothly with the latest technical updates. But every 2 to 3 years we will do a complete website face-lift for a reduced fee.

  • Online Marketing, One Unbeatable Price

    We include website design, management, and maintenance with SEO to make your business website a powerful lead generation machine.




SEO Tualatin Oregon Equals Results


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Tualatin Oregon

SEO Services Tualatin Oregon

SEO Will Increase Traffic to Your Website!

SEO Stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the process of designing, developing and monitoring a website in order to be:

#1 – Indexed (found) by the automated agents that crawl the Internet

#2 – Ranked well in the search engines for specific desired and targeted results.

SEO starts with the foundation of proper design & development of a website including organizing site structure, optimizing site code and using targeted content.

SEO is not a “once and done” service. It takes time to see results so we work on your site and your rankings monthly until we get you ranked in Google.

  • We provide monthly Analytics and Ranking Reports to show progress.
  • We adjust and optimize your site’s content and structure for relevance.
  • We optimize your site for speed using Google’s PageSpeed Insights as a standard.
  • We use responsive design that automatically changes to fit any device to make sure your site is mobile friendly.

We work to get your website to shine in search results!

The cost of our Website + SEO packages Tualatin Oregon are based on the geographical area you serve.

As a general rule of thumb the on-going package cost of Website + SEO is:

Additional Digital Marketing Services we Provide

Demographic Targeting

Search Marketing (SEM)

  • LOCAL SEO – Maps, Google my Business
  • Online Business Directories
  • Online Review Sites
  • Pay Per Click (PPC) Text Ads
Email Marketing

Email Marketing (CRM)

  • Outbound or Outreach Marketing
  • Newsletters / Periodicals
  • Email Drip Campaigns
  • Email Blast
Social Media

Social Marketing (SMM)

  • Social Content & Posting
  • Online Networking
  • Groups / Forums
  • Reputation / Review Management

PPC / Display Ads

  • Google Display Network
  • Video Ads
  • Social Media Paid Ads
  • Retargeting Ads
Reputaion Management

Reputation / Reviews

  • Obtaining New Reviews
  • Deleting “Bad” Reviews
  • Social Media Reputation
  • Google Reviews